"The aspect of my job that I enjoy the most is the opportunity to meet new people and build lasting relationships. I take pride in helping customers find vehicles that align with both their lifestyle and budget, and i appreciate the trust they place in me throughout the process! "
When I am not here at Johns Automart, I am home with my family raising 3 beautiful little girls and little boy! We raise chickens and ducks, we garden, go fishing and camping all summer long!
Warren is the wonderful man in my life that I have built a family with! We have 3 beautiful little girls Sofia, Elayna, and Carmela that give us a run for our money on a daily basis! We also just had a baby boy in March and he is Warren 4th! But we call him Louie! We have 2 pups a Pitbull named Sasha and a Corgi named Freya! We have 8 ducks and 11 Chicks.
I like them all =)
My favorite food is Dark Chocolate
My favorite animals are Elephants
Disney's Jungle Cruise
My favorite music artist is Biggy
My favorite vacation spot is the Beach