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Elizabeth Crawley 


   Sales & Finance Manager - Johns Automart 


   (570) 216-0548



 Serving For 7 and Half Years!



"The aspect of my job that I enjoy the most is the opportunity to meet new people and build lasting relationships. I take pride in helping customers find vehicles that align with both their lifestyle and budget, and i appreciate the trust they place in me throughout the process! "




A Little More About Elizabeth Crawley




When I am not here at Johns Automart, I am home with my family raising 3 beautiful little girls and little boy! We raise chickens and ducks, we garden, go fishing and camping all summer long!

Elizabeth Crawley, Sales Consultant
Elizabeth Crawley, Sales Consultant

Warren is the wonderful man in my life that I have built a family with! We have 3 beautiful little girls Sofia, Elayna, and Carmela that give us a run for our money on a daily basis! We also just had a baby boy in March and he is Warren 4th! But we call him Louie! We have 2 pups a Pitbull named Sasha and a Corgi named Freya! We have 8 ducks and 11 Chicks. 

Favorite  Car? 




I like them all =)

Favorite Food? 




My favorite food is Dark Chocolate 

Dogs or Cats? 




My favorite animals are Elephants 

Best Movie Ever? 



Disney's Jungle Cruise

Go To Music? 



My favorite music artist is Biggy

Vacation Spot? 



My favorite vacation spot is the Beach 

How can I help you with your next Car, SUV, or Truck?
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